
Posts Tagged ‘10 things’

Thanks inProgress! I love any chance I can get to gripe. Here are 10 things I don’t enjoy:

1. Being late. Myself, or others.
2. Getting stuck behind someone going 10 miles under the speed limit.
3. Last minute changes to my schedule. I don’t deal well with on-the-fly situations. I’m boring like that.
4. Anytime I go to a breakfast potluck/function, everything has eggs in it. I know it’s not anyone’s fault I am allergic to eggs but it’s no fun eating bananas when everyone else is feasting.
5. Dishes, laundry, and all housework in general. I hate living in a dirty house, so I do it, but I complain the whole time. Just ask Bryce, he’ll tell you it’s true.
6. Taking things personally – I do it ALL THE TIME. Silly things, big things, I take it all personally. I wish I didn’t, and I’m working on it, but it stinks.
7. The fact I can’t get our PS3 to connect to the internet. Wired, wireless- I can’t get it to work.
8. Dieting.
9. Being cold.
10. And finally, people who complain. Ha!

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